I made it back to Denver and am very glad that Samantha has given me a place to stay while I’m here. I’ve needed some place while trying to figure out this transition and what I’m doing long term. Since it’s gotten so cold in Colorado I wasn’t able to bring my home with me.
But this was a very difficult trip back because I now realize that I don’t actually live here anymore. My stuff is all still here. I have an address here. But it’s not like I can come back here whenever I want and with the increasing cost of living here I wonder whether I’ll ever be able to. But I’m still trying to make that happen. Plus this trip I’m not certain how long it’ll be before I come back again. I realize that I won’t be able to bring my camper back to the area until April because the camp grounds are closed.
Plus Denver is changing so quickly. I just realized that the first Red Robin that I went to on Wadsworth 30 years ago is going to close and move across the street to a new location. I stopped in there and had lunch. Found out they don’t own the current building. So the cost to renovate the current building which they don’t own was going to be about the same as building a new building. Here are some pictures of the place for nostalgia sake.
It was right in front of Micro Age which was the computer store I went to for support on my Commodore 64.
Then it was also sad to see that Tradesmart was closed.
I also went by my old house and there were 4 cars parked out front. I just came to the realization that when I come back Denver it may not be the same place it was when I left.
But most of this trip was checking in with clients. Make sure that everything was OK. Plus seeing old friends again.
Went to the Wells Fargo building to see my best friend from High School Doug and check out his office.
Met up with Rick at Cerebral brewing on election night. We got there pretty early 5:30ish and decided to leave when it was starting to become obvious that Hillary wasn’t going to win. The mood was definitely getting more somber.
I then ended up going down the street that night and seeing my friend Amyjeen from Ticketmaster days. One of the most amazing people I’ve ever met.
Later that week I went back to Cerebral and met up with Jason and Michelle. Then got invited over to dinner at Michel’s house and got to catch up with her. Plus I saw Doctor Strange with Samantha. As well as meeting Carrie and Christina at Sobo. Hadn’t been back there for quite a while.
Also got to Rotary and listened to Vicente Arenas speak. Great to see how Rotary has helped shape someones life.
Anyway, it was a good week and am still moving forward with this mobile lifestyle. Sad at times because I realize the changes that have been made but also excited at the prospects. I had hoped when I bought my house that I’d meet someone and be able to raise a family in that house. That just wasn’t meant to be. Not sure where my guiding hand is pushing me now.