So I made it back to Bartlesville. The trailer has been parked out at the Truck Store for the past week while I was gone and everything seems to be just fine.
My nephews 16th birthday is the 16th. My sister took him and his friends to eat at a new hibachi restaurant. He enjoyed it. I texted his sister to see if that happened to her when she turned 16. (Of course it didn’t) Us babies of the families are spoiled.
I also got another treat while I was here. I got to take my nephew to the DMV for him to get his drivers license. He was so excited. My sister and Marty weren’t able to take him so the task fell to me. I really enjoyed it. Since I doubt I’ll ever have kids of my own this was a treat for me.
Originally the plan for Thanksgiving was that the whole family was going to meet up at my nieces in Galveston, TX. However, while I was here this week we received some devastating news. Marty my sisters boyfriend, significant other, fiance was diagnosed with Esophageal cancer. They can’t go to Texas because they need to see doctors and get a handle on this. The rest of the family is changing plans and coming up to Bartlesville for Thanksgiving. Since it’ll be freezing here next week I need to go ahead and go south to where it’s warm. Besides I prepaid for my camping spot and am not certain I can cancel it.
Great pictures